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Ragdoll is expanding! We will soon embark on our first round of practitioners courses. For now Shayne is the most qualified Ragdoll Therapist available. Stay tuned for other qualified therapists coming soon. We have other practitioners available in other modalities. See our Services Page for information on modalities and services offered by Shayne and other practitioners.



Couldn't be satisfied with sport or performance, Shayne took it upon himself to develop Ragdoll Therapy. Well, it evolved from years of working with the body and the mind. Shayne's got a wise, knowing and uninhibited touch and can read what's happening with your body in an expert way.



Not a real person or profile. Alderman started out with a desire to heal his body from chronic Asthma and Arthritis. After a few sessions with Shayne he was renewed and became the first person to formally practice Ragdoll in the 1800's. Just kidding but we are growing. See Services Page for information on modalities offered by Shayne and other practitioners.



He doesn't just run the books he's a killer with his hands, a bit clumsy at times but can sniff his way through anything.



Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Call Now 0404 115 266
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