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Super-Sonic Shayne
Just when you think you're satisfied and can't take any more, Shayne will surprise you with a new meal, a bright smile, a drop of wisdom, and more often than not something outrageously funny. He cooks with spices that won't burn your tongue, teaches with words that sound like a song, tickles your wisdom with an ability to remind you you can do it and do it well. Bend your knees, breathe, listen to the music and dance, is Ka huna with Shayne. Years of experience teaching and massage he runs around the world collecting skills. Whether it's a wealth of wisdom on all things healing and lovely done with a big wide open heart, Shayne loves watching you be you.
from my current bio for facilitation at high spirits retreat
More from Shayne
I have specialised in many areas of health, growth and natural therapies. I have practiced and taught Ka huna massage consistently for 16 years. I especially loved the Polynesian Floor Work aspect of Ka huna. I practiced it a lot and over time my ideas evolved further and through many experiences working with others I developed Ragdoll Therapy.
I have studied Kinesiology and Iridology, specifically Rayid Iridology, extensively. It has informed and influenced Ragdoll. It all has. I studied, mastered and taught Theta Healing for many years and developed 'Theta Nights'. These were intuitively derived group sessions where I'd facilitate profound healings and experiences for the participants.
I learnt about different methods of learning, dyslexia and other learning difficulties and discovered many potential improvements to learning. I studied and practiced the Davis Dyslexia method and found a creative mindset to most difficulties in learning for myself and instructing others to be very effective in the learning process.
I spent years mastering and teaching The Magician's Way, by William Whitecloud, which is an intuitive life coaching model. I dedicated myself to intuitive mastery and the principles behind creating and manifestation.
I devoured countless books and experiences on every modality that interested me. I was driven. I still am. I committed to yoga, meditation, bodywork, movement and more recently tai chi. I got creative and travelled.
I spent years benefiting from a life changing empowerment model called Landmark which helped me heal my relationships with old friends and especially with my parents. I am happy to say they are alive and well I get to see them often now that I'm back in Redcliffe.
Most recently I am proud to be part of the Mankind Project and can highly recommend it for the men in our community to hold our selves to greater and greater integrity and vulnerability in a safe way which can increasingly be more difficult for the men folk in this age.
I studied with Don Tolman and his work on Whole Food Medicine, Self Care and the Self Education Revolution. When I met his growing community I felt I had found a family and was no longer alone in my views and practices on diet and health. These diet principles, in a nut shell so to speak, being: clean whole foods; nothing processed; and no chemicals, additives, sugar, meat, dairy, drugs or alcohol. Prior to meeting Don I knew what I was engaging in was right, at least for me, even though I'd met many healthy people and vegetarians, I felt alone and extreme in my views. When I discovered there were more people out there like me and that they were developing even cooler ideas than I was imagining, I was touched and I softened into a freedom to develop my own ideas further. My heart was soaring.
I have had many very powerful teachers in my life. Bernie Prior taught me about Love or at least set me up well enough to go deep when my pride destroyed the beauty in my life. Jason Crition (who you'll never find online if anywhere) was my real life Socrates from Dan Milman's, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior who gave me my greatest gift to date (apart from life and nourishment from my parents) - my commitment to Truth. It's not shakeable, and not for sale. Mette Sorensen from High Spirits Retreat in Kin Kin continues to support, nurture, challenge and inspire me in facilitation and realness every single day since I met her over 16 years ago. Every person I've ever met has shown me something. I've learned from joy and painful experiences always with a willingness to explore and a sometimes naive confidence that it's all magically designed to work out well. I loved looking at life as theatre and loved finding the humour in the absurd. It kept me sane and imaginative.
I learned about movement and the body from sport, which I loved, although even more so from acting and performance training. I love the stage and felt alive from acting and participating in performing workshops. They have all helped me learn about the body, mind, spirit and all have fed my unending desire for innovation and creativity. I've completed countless acting, dance, voice and movement workshops and courses, including two very long and intense full-time Theatre Courses, AACT, Sydney and Ecole Jacques Lecoq, Paris. The movement and body exposure gave me good skill and experience as an athlete and performer, but always I watched with my third eye for information on how it could be used for the body, bodywork, the mind and innovations for growth, development, and empowerment. Due to consistently teaching and practicing bodywork, healing and intuition throughout it all, it all fed into developing Ragdoll.
I had dreams and visions about Ragdoll, sometimes unexpected but always welcome. It was fun during times being under pressure, where I needed a dream or vision to create something extraordinary to meet a deadline of teaching a workshop or seeing a client and to use what I learned from The Magician’s Way and my own experience to choose to receive - and to be able to. Seeing it bring amazing practical results built confidence and trust in my ability to innovate and give voice and expression to my inner inspirations. I never needed or wanted altering substances because I knew I could feel inside and experience something profound if I wanted or needed. It just took willingness and patience. We all can access the inner profound place if we want and need to.
I loved creating synergistic experiences with long time friends. What if everyone got what they loved? What if everyone had to participate? What if no one could rest until everyone was happy? What if the sum of the parts is actually greater than the whole? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander I say. That's what the principles of Synergy are. It's an ideal but I've seen it, witnessed it, participated in it, and co-created it. I know it's true and possible to live. I know it and it's an inspiring eye opener to be part of.
Sport gave me a focus, a release, and a powerful confidence in my body. I've felt in my body, at times, invincible, unstoppable, and in a flow of perfection that I could taste and touch. I've also felt broken, wrecked and defeated. It was originally a problem with my back that no doctors could help me with that gave me the opportunity to follow this holistic direction I now follow. The contrast between feeling invincible one moment then feeling immobile the next inspired me to try anything. I got better. In hind-sight, it was just an invitation to remember who I am as I feel more myself since I opened up to looking at the world with wider eyes.
With recovery from my back problems and a remembrance of who I was and what I am interested in, I continued to learn about those things mentioned above and more. Eventually though, my obsession with the red AFL ball I could not drop. So I followed it through until I was satisfied. When I walked away I was done, cooked. I no longer wondered.
I love taking things apart. I can fix most things and dream of the day where there is time, a big shed and plenty of tools and rags just waiting to clean the blackness of my oily hands where I can dismantle any car, motorbike and boat I like. I'd love, some day, to put all the pieces back as an electric car and drive past every petrol station I see and just keep on going.
I was born in Redcliffe and live here now too. A lot has happened in the middle and I've seen and lived in many places around the world. I've seen a lot of the inside world too. There are many places inside I'm still looking forward to visiting, and out there in the world too but as increasing age slowly creeps in I’m finding I'm happier and happier at home.
Now I teach, perform, innovate and have been acting more on implementing change on a bigger scale looking even toward entering politics. I am in the middle of a language and music degree and my passion and interest for music and music theory is growing stronger every day. It all feeds into the continued growth and innovation of Ragdoll.
I would love to see Ragdoll experienced by many people, as I know its power and that it genuinely frees the body and improves the nervous system. I will next like to continue to offer Ragdoll to the elderly of the community, as I know how much can be achieved in a short time and how much that would be of benefit. One particular joy I'm gaining recently, is getting Ragdoll to the point where it can be passed onto others to practice. The process of observing, describing and teaching what I have been doing in a Ragdoll session is encouraging. It inspires me to do more each time I give it away to willing receivers and another piece of the puzzle falls into place. As well, it brings great joy when the current students who are learning Ragdoll practice it on me and I get to experience it, often for the first time as a receiver. It's a pleasure and still astonishes me with not just how well it works but that it does work at all.
Of course I can’t describe everything about me here, as like us all, there is always more. I can say upon reflection a year after writing this bio it makes me look 'good'. It's part of the world we live in to build confidence in each other by putting our best foot forward. I can assure you that I am as vulnerable and fragile as any of us are and have had some really tough times too. I would say any 'good' that I would like to claim has come from an ability to be vulnerable in a world that often rejects it. Ragdoll supports this vulnerability and makes it a prized asset. After all vulnerability is just being honest and real with yourself. There are no shortcuts in healing - what we are and we we feel is real we have to be honest with that if we expect real change and growth.
I am completely willing to share myself however I can. I'm happy to answer any questions about myself, Ragdoll, other modalities, my view on the way forward for us as a collective, my new ideas, my personal stories and feelings or anything you have got juice to ask me about. So please feel free, hesitate not if you wish to ask. I will freely give what I can. The Ka huna way is giving is receiving. To give is to receive and vice versa. That's the dance.