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We Believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. What is best for one is best for everyone. What if everyone got what they loved? We adore synergy. And we believe the planet does too.
Our focus for the Planet is to support projects and ideas that create this synergistic mutual benefit of all. If you feel inspired too we have created a couple of simple but powerful ways for you to do so. We will never abuse the goodwill of a donation in any way.
Currently we offer two modes of positive change to contribute toward. Aloha Advertising and Independent Election Campaign.
See below for the latest avenues we have created.

Aloha Advertising
January 2014
You may donate as little or as much as you like. All donations go into an interest bearing account to fund for creating positive consciousness change for the general population though conventional advertising. They are not-for-profit empowering advertisements on Billboards, Newspapers, Magazines and Television.
The aim is to use the same media as we get advertised to in order to soften peoples hearts and show something positive for free without obligation.
Simply offer a donation via paypal, cash or direct deposit to our interest bearing account. You can choose to be anonymous or receive updates to the progress.

Shayne for Redcliffe
March 2016
Shayne is currently running for the division 6 in Redcliffe as an independent in the next council election. His platform is a belief in the talents and resource we are as people and the resources we have in this country and on this planet. Better management of that abundance can see health, happiness and prosperity to all. It's a long road but achievable. Shayne has experience from two Independent State Election campaigns now (amended 2019).
Visit ShayneJarvis4redcliffe.com.au for information on his specific platforms.
You can offer support, encouragement, time, or donations to support his campaign.