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Whether you are looking to learn, to improve, to reconnect with your purpose, whether you are suffering from an  illness or injury, we can provide what you need. Shayne and the team are equipped with a vast array of complementary skills specialising in the following areas. These modalities are especially chosen and designed for the vast needs of us all. Our practitioners are well trained and experienced. The skills they posses are unique, modern and rich. Our speciality is of course Ragdoll Therapy.


​You can be assured our are providers of the highest quality and have many years of experience.


Ragdoll therapy is a powerful form of clothed bodywork. Performed on the floor or a table, it treats the whole body specifically targeting the nervous system which affects all other systems. It's powerful in its simplicity and vast in application.


Devised and refined by Shayne Jarvis over years of dedication to bodywork and learning integration, it's strongly influenced by Ka huna massage and Hawaiian principles of bodywork.


Click for more information.



Similar to Thai Massage, it's a dynamic form of clothed massage performed on the floor. It's rooted in the Hawaiian system of bodywork and was particularly refined by Mette Sorensen.


It involves pulling, stretching and twisting of the limbs and trunk of the body. It's a great form of passive yoga and excellent for the whole body, mind and spirit.


Contact us for more information.


Sometimes, in the midst of a busy sometimes stressful modern life we can lose touch with our intuitive knowing.


Sometimes, a reading can refocus and re-inspire and bring clarity to areas long since abandoned as impossible to understand or bring to empowerment.


The focus is always on integrity, truth and love. With intuitive readings it's always best to take the best and leave the rest and not feel locked into a particular insight. Best also, not to get reliant on intuitive practitioners and psychics but definitely it can be a great tool.


The team has the utmost integrity when doing readings.


Contact us here for more information.


Theta Healing is a powerful Instant Healing Technique that relies on your own ability to heal yourself in co-creation with whatever aspect of Higher Power you relate to whether that be God or your own inherent healing ability.


It Is called Theta Healing because the brain wave of Theta, previously thought to be only accessible during deep sleep, is used consciously by the practitioner to better access and use your own healing ability during the session.


Contact us here for more information.


We will update this section from time to time with modalities and innovations that we find complementary and beneficial that we may not directly offer.


Number one will always be top of the list is High Spirits Retreat. They have excellent live in retreats teaching Hawaiian Philosophy and Ka huna massage. There now also have cleansing retreats specifically designed to receive. Their prices are extremely good value.


Contact High Spirits here.


Ka huna massage is a dynamic form of oiled massage that dates back  thousands of years to ancient Polynesia. Traditionally keep secret in family lineages for generations, it has had a resurgence in modern times.


Mette Sorensen and the team at High Spirits Retreat have been instrumental in making it a very popular and powerful model of body work.


Visit for more information.


Thai Massage is a dynamic form of clothed massage. Performed on the floor. It involves pulling, stretching and twisting of the limbs and trunk of the body. It's a great form of passive yoga and excellent for the whole body, mind and spirit.


The Thai tradition of massage dates back thousands of years and evolved from many great influences on health and healing in Asia.


For more information contact Maria


Kinesiology is a modern marvel. It's a fully clothed form of re-balancing using what's called muscle monitoring to find out what is the underlying issue and priority correction for any complaint or goal. It taps into the innate awareness of the client to inform the flow of the session.


Evolving every year, it is a testament to western healing systems to integrate modern and ancient wisdom into a powerful applicable tool. Only 100 years old in application but profoundly effective.


Highly recommended as amazing  results are possible.


Visit for more information.


Life Coaching using an intuitive model can have profound effects on refocusing or clarifying direction.


Usually performed over a minimum 6 month period, we start with a process of determining what you love and what's in the way. Continued application of action steps and trusting the process leads to powerful results of living a life that just feels right.


We use the structure of an intuitive model called The Magician's Way. Check out the book of the same name for an inspiring read and to feel the idea.


Contact us here for more information.



Many of out clients come just to learn. They learn about themselves and their bigger picture. They also learn to practice and teach the modalities we offer and the skills involved.


We have regular classes and courses available as learning is our number one value. Shayne has been trained by Mette Sorensen in facilitation and group dynamics and is masterful at holding space and getting a message across. These skills and values are transferable and he loves to teach.


Classes and workshops available in the following areas:




Ragdoll Therapy



Fasting and Diet


Acting and Performance



Click here for more information.


It's a shame that in modern times we are losing the wisdom of our grandparents and forgotten how to self care and self educate. Too often the tendency toward reliance on pharmaceuticals and institutions to inform us how to treat our symptoms has the final say.


Whole Food Medicine is inherent wisdom and knowledge in all of us. Thankfully, some have not only not forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors on diet and natural healing passed down from antiquity that nature abundantly provides, but have actively sought out to investigate it and share fully. Thankfully this movement is becoming more and more popular and people are stepping away from destructive behaviours toward simple principles of health. Check out the Doctrine of Signatures to feel the truth of what nature provides for us course through your body.


For more information follow the inspiring work and journey of Don Tolman and the Whole Food Medicine revolution.


Let's face it we all could move more. There is no escaping this. Physical life demands and profits from exercise, movement, laughter, dance, play, touch and good lunches!


Conscious exercise, exercise done with breath and focus, is a profound foundation of longevity and happiness. It builds strength, resilience and good feelings. It promotes good physical health and emotional and mental balance. Conscious exercise is one of the brightest acts of self care and preservation we can engage in.


Tai chi and Yoga are well known and work. There are many forms. We offer these here for now. I, we, recommend being creative - find what works for you, what you love, do it, play with it, evolve it, commit to it move on if it's time but move, dance and play. Remember to breathe as that's the lynch pin. It's all about the breath.


Visit Tai Chi School of Gentle Exercise for information and classes in Tai Chi.


Visit YogaPeta for more information and classes in Yoga.



Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Call Now 0404 115 266
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