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Body needs work? Ragdoll Therapy can help Today!


Working with all your body's functions, Ragdoll Therapy can help your body find its wholistic homeostasis. Massage is one thing but bodywork integrated with your nervous system can realign not just your body but your whole system.


We are the original home of Ragdoll Therapy, a new and unique form of bodywork based on ancient Hawaiian principles and adapted through trial, error and intuitive inspiration.

Free Ragdoll Therapy in Retirement Homes Redcliffe



Shayne is currently offering Ragdoll Therapy free of charge to elderly residents

in retirement homes in the Redcliffe area.


Ragdoll can have profound, quick and lasting benefits for ageing bodies as often all

these bodies need for a dramatic, simple change is gentle encouragment for

the body to utilise its own inherent aligning mechanisms.


It is also a way for Ragdoll to be of service to an often under appreciated demographic of

our modern society.


If you would like to invite a Ragdoll Therapist into your loved one's retirement

home please contact us.




All of us have a mind, body and spirit, all parts of us are interconnected, interdependent and interrelated. Any form of reliable healing, change or therapy must take the whole person into account. Specialising in Ragdoll Therapy, we treat the body with many forms of holistic bodywork. Our modalities address the whole being.

You can make a


to the our planet

Find out how >

  • Ragdoll Therapy

  • Ka huna massage

  • Polynesian Floor work

  • Thai massage

  • Kinesiology

  • Whole food Farmacy

  • Life Coaching

  • Workshops and Classes

  • Group Synergy

  • Yoga

  • Tai chi



Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Call Now 0404 115 266
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